
Yamamoto Forged Knives - 山本打刃物

  The knives made in Echizen(越前) city are called Echizen Uchi Hamono(越前打刃物). The art of making Japanese kitchen knives has a history of about 700 years. Echizen Uchi Hamono is designated as "Traditional Crafts" by the Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry. These knives are forged by blacksmiths, those knives are harder to be chipped and the sharpness continues longer. The organization of material changes homogeneously, it is observed by a microscope.  Blacksmith Nao Yamamoto (山本 直) makes his knives in Echizen city. His skills are very nice and he can do "NIMAI-HIROGE(二枚広げ)" easily. We love this knife because the sharpness is excellent since the blade is thin, cutting performance is smooth and the sharpness continues for a long time.

NIMAI-HIROGE(Spreading Two Sheet) 
   NIMAI-HIROGE is the special skill in Echizen city only. It is outstanding method. The spine of blade requires thickness for sturdy and around the edge needs to spread to thin edge in order to improve sharpness. These requirements are met by hitting two blades together at a time. If two blades are hit together at a time, the temperature is hard to fall. Two blades prevent to be cool down fast. So blacksmiths can hit two blades many times in a short time. If only one blade are hit, the blade is cool down fast, they must put it into kiln for heat again. Then carbon runs away from the blade, the blade will become weaker. 
This skill looks easy, but it is very hard. A blacksmith could not do this for 5 years.

Yamamoto forging

Yamamoto forging

Yamamoto forging

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