Motokyuichi Knives
"Kyuichi" prospered as a swordsmith in Hizen Shimabara during the Edo period. However, while the "Kyuichi" family gradually disappeared due to changes in the times, in 1895, the first Shojiro Maeda took over "Motokyuichi" at current location (Shimabara City, Nagasaki Prefecture) as a swordsmith. The inherited skills has been changed to making of daily necessities such as kitchen knives, sickles, and hoe, and now the 4th and 5th generations continue to protect it. Shimabara hand-made knives, which are hardened with high-quality water from Shimabara, which is selected as one of the 100 best waters, are sharp and durable, and are appreciated by a wide range of customers.
"Kyuichi" prospered as a swordsmith in Hizen Shimabara during the Edo period. However, while the "Kyuichi" family gradually disappeared due to changes in the times, in 1895, the first Shojiro Maeda took over "Motokyuichi" at current location (Shimabara City, Nagasaki Prefecture) as a swordsmith. The inherited skills has been changed to making of daily necessities such as kitchen knives, sickles, and hoe, and now the 4th and 5th generations continue to protect it. Shimabara hand-made knives, which are hardened with high-quality water from Shimabara, which is selected as one of the 100 best waters, are sharp and durable, and are appreciated by a wide range of customers.